The UTXO Alliance is a collaborative initiative that brings together individuals and organizations working towards making the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) model more scalable, secure, and interoperable. The UTXO model is a fundamental concept in blockchain technology used by many established networks, including Bitcoin, Nervos, Cardano, Ergo, and Fuel.
The Alliance aims to solve critical questions concerning how data is transferred between different blockchains, especially issues regarding the amount of data used, the speed of data processing, transaction costs, and energy usage. Solving these issues would allow anyone to share all kinds of data, including digital assets and smart contracts, across heterogeneous blockchains.
The current members of the UTXO Alliance include development and research teams working on UTXO-based blockchains like Nervos, Horizen Labs, Wolfram Blockchain Labs, Input Output (IOHK), DigiByte, Ergo, Topl, and others. Among other things, the UTXO Alliance is working on making partnering UTXO-based blockchains more interoperable. This should make the UTXO accounting model more popular and encourage its use by both blockchain developers and users.
Beyond that, the Alliance conducts cutting-edge research on the UTXO model, developing techniques to evolve the standard and make it more secure, reliable, faster, programmable, and user and developer friendly.