Getting CKB to Yokai and Back Again With SafePal

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As you may already know, our first DEX has gone live. YokaiSwap is now running on Nervos’ layer two, Godwoken. In order to make use of this Dex, we would like to provide you with some guides on how to get your $CKB onto Yokai and Godwoken, and how to get your funds back again into a wallet.

Let’s start with getting a SafePal wallet. 

Getting CKB to SafePal

We have recently integrated with crypto wallet service SafePal which will allow you to store CKB on hardware wallets, as well as on their hot wallets. Let’s go over how to create a SafePal wallet and store funds. Start by downloading SafePal to your mobile device.

Download the SafePal by scanning the QR code above.

Next, we will choose Software Wallet.

Click Next to complete the Security of your wallet as shown below:

Set your SafePal security password and tap Submit.

Select Start SafePal Journey and tap Create Wallet.

Enter your security password to create your wallet and tap Confirm.

Next, enter a Wallet name.

Choose whether you want a 12 or 24-word mnemonic phrase and tap Done. Next, Click Backup my phrase.

Verify your phrase and tap Next. You have now successfully verified your wallet and the Main dashboard appears.

Let’s now add Nervos CKB to the SFP wallet. Click the + sign and turn the slider on for CKB (Nervos) and CKB (Godwoken).

Tap Add Coin and CKB will now show up in your Asset list.

Tap Nervos (CKB) to view our receiving address.

Let’s now send some funds to our address.

Congratulations! You now have stored funds in the Native CKB Wallet.

Deposit Funds in Yokai from SafePal

Now that you have funds on your SafePal wallet, it is easy to transfer them to Nervos’ layer two and get them onto Yokai where you can have access to all the DEX features. 

For a step-by-step guide on how to get funds onto Yokai, please have a look at the video guide made by ‘Everything Nervos’

Once you move your $CKB to Layer 2, you can see your balance in the CKB (Godwoken) wallet.

Moving Funds Off Yokai to Any Wallet

Once you have used Yokai and are happy with any profits you may have made, it will be time to take the funds off Layer 2 and the Dex and store them back in your wallet of choice. 

This is also a simple procedure and again, ‘Everything Nervos’ has provided a helpful guide. 

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